Disney Create Wiki
Wanna be in this?
3. GLOWB 4. Someone
5. Someone 6. Someone

And also, put your name above/ edit this if you want to be in this. THANKEYU! 

Amile doesn't like princess stuff or girly things. She also didn't know she was a princess, actually. She faces danger, fun, laughter, bravery, and even death. Join her and her friends to complete the way of her life just the way Amilia wants it!


Amilia's sister is Amanda. Amanda is not that girly but, she wants to be a princess. She is though. She wants her sister, Amilia to be one too. She nearly kills her sister by forcing her to be one.

Other Characters

Amilia's friend: (apply in comments)

Villian: (apply in comments) MIST

King/ Dad: (apply in comments)

Queen/ Mom: (apply in comments)

Amilia's frenemy: (apply in comments)/////NVM Raven is this one

Amilia's best friend: That is Max. He has a crush on her ( cannot apply)

BTW!!!! Who ever wants to try out for Amilia's friends, keep him/ her in the age range of 15-18-ish becuase Amilia is 17.

And now....(other characters)

Amanda's friend: (apply in comments)//////NVM glowb is this one

Amanda's best friend: (apply in comments)

Amanda's husband : (apply in comments) lol

WARNING! If you want to try out for Amanda's friend/ husband, keep him/ her in age range of 18-22! Thank you.

For weird information, please visit my page's message wall to tell me ideas to add to the PREAMBLE OF THIS THINGY!!! Also, please tell me what to add, change, and/or delete what's here.... THANKEYU! (btw i will edit this)
