Disney Create Wiki

Sno-miser1 was a mediocre-popular artist with 189 fans and 50,000 stars. She joined DC August 18 2009, when she was seven years old. Her first character ever to be uploaded to DC was Fiona, a white wolf with blue, green, and purple hair and tail. She had multiple ear piercings and legwarmers. (Gosh I can't believe I remembered that). Fiona was uploaded with a boyfriend contest, whom sno-miser1 never chose. Skai was her second character, another white wolf, but with red, orange, and black mohawk. His tail was red, orange, yellow and black. He also had legwarmers. In 2014, she gave up going on DisneyCreate for Lent (YesIamCatholic,feelmyawesomeness), and when she came back, was crushed (YesIamstillcrushed) to see that DisneyCreate was closing. (ButAhem,awayfromthatemotionalstuff) She never had a 'Main Character' but it was either Icy, whom wolflover12 (Ithink) created for her. Icy is a white wolf with Electric blue, Hot pink, and neon aqua hair. Sno updated her look as her 'Fall' look. She has numerous characters, some that haven't been drawn. Her main ponies included: Fallon Star (Her first MLP that was approved) And Rising Sun. Her most beloved MLP was Sno-Storm, a request she gave Klebi. She has two main PPG, Holly, whom she was so ecstatic she won, and Ashley, another she won from an adoption. Spectral is her most beloved nightfury, and her favorite character actually. She drew him once on DisneyCreate for the Rhythm of the Night contest. She entered Spectral as 'The Leader's Son' and won third place. (YesIwassohappyIalmostcried). Her first artist she ever saw was Neonspaida, but her ultimate favorite was TonkoneseKitty. Her characters have numerous crushes and boyfriends/girlfriends. She never had a designated style until 2013-2014 where she finally found a good enough wolf style to suit her needs. She was also developing a successful MLP style as well.

And here are some of her drawings.
